KLTC Pricing

Our prices are simple and straightforward

Our charges are simply based on the type of translation and the number of words involved. We strongly reccomend that you speak to us regarding any work you require, and we can get one of our specialists to contact you to advise you on details and time as well as a more accurate quotation.

The KLTC have a transparent and efficient process for calculating prices. We take into account various factors, such as the type of translation, the type of material involved and the time to be taken for the work We also consider competitor prices, and any specific client requirements as pricing strategy aims to ensure that our products and services are competitively priced while maintaining a highest level of quality.

We regularly review and analyse our pricing models to adapt to market trends and changes in costs. By doing so, we can offer our customers the best possible prices. We believe in open communication and are always ready to explain our pricing structure to our clients, ensuring transparency and trust.